How Is #GivingTuesday Scoring With Community Outreach to Millennials?

Ryan Scott

#GivingTuesday just completed its fourth year, and by most measures it has already become a successful fixture in the charity landscape. Launched as a response to the overt consumerism of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, #GivingTuesday focuses the attention of the world on the true meaning of the holiday season: sharing our capacity to care for and empower one another. According to a preliminary estimate by the Case Foundation, #GivingTuesday raised $45.7 million for nonprofits this year, representing a nearly 240 percent increase from the $13.46 million generated just two years ago when the event first launched.

Topics: workplace giving, millennials, corporate giving, millennial impact report, #givingtuesday, holiday giving, achieve
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Don’t Let This One Thing Sabotage Millennial Interest in Your Corporate Philanthropy

Ryan Scott

If you care about Millennial recruitment - which you should if you care about the future of your company - you need to understand how to make these socially conscious employees feel connected to the greater purpose of your company. It’s not enough to offer a volunteer and giving program; you need to think about how to make this program inviting to employees of each generation, from X-ers to Boomers and beyond.

Topics: Corporate Philanthropy, recruiting millennials, millennials, millennial recruitment, recruiting, corporate giving, crowdfunding, retention, millennial impact report, impact
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Causecast powers the world’s most innovative workplace giving and volunteering programs, helping leading brands attract, retain and inspire talent, while driving change through meaningful cause engagement. In 2017 our blog was honored for CSR by PR News.


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